> | > Final Demonstration Code

Final Demonstration Code

Posted on Friday, 18 January 2013 | No Comments

In this post is all the Arduino source code for each robot, and the games master Processing code.  See the individual posts for a walk-through of each section and it's function.

Final Arduino Code for Robot 1

#include <Servo.h>
#include "avr/interrupt.h"

char instruction [10]; //instruction sent to arduino
int i = 0; //index for instruction array
int j = 0; //index for for loop

String stringXCoord = "";
int intXCoord; //x coordinate for servo
String stringYCoord = "";
int intYCoord; //y coordinate for servo

Servo servoX; //servo x
Servo servoY; //servo y

//message to send on to Robot 2
String resendMessage = "";

//string to print to contact games master - in the following form:
//G (games master) 2 (robot 2's score) 10 (how much to increment score)
String GMscoreLR = "[G205]";
String GMscoreB = "[G210]";

int laser = 13; //pin for laser
int ldrLR = 2; //pin for LDR interrupt 1
int ldrB = 3; //pin for LDR interrupt 2
int headLights = 4; //pin for front lights
int leftLights = 8; //pin for left lights
int rightLights = 7; //pin for right lights

//pin numbers for the motor on the robot
int leftMotor1 = 11;
int leftMotor2 = 12;
int rightMotor1 = 10;
int rightMotor2 = 9;

//variables for delay for hit interrupt
int interval = 5000;
long lastBlinkTime = 0;

//variables for delay for flashing lights
int flashInterval = 100;
long lastFlashTime = 0;
int timesFlashed = 0;
//variable for flashing lights
boolean hit = false;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);//init Serial library (make sure Processing is sending data at the same baud rate)
  //set pins as either an input or an output
  pinMode(ldrLR, INPUT);
  pinMode(ldrB, INPUT);
  pinMode(laser, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(headLights, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(leftLights, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightLights, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(leftMotor1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(leftMotor2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightMotor1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightMotor2, OUTPUT);
  sei(); //Enable global interrupts
  EIMSK |= (1 << INT0); //Enable external interrupt INT0
  EIMSK |= (1 << INT1); //Enable external interrupt INT1
  EICRA |= (1 << ISC01); //Trigger INT0 on falling edge 
  digitalWrite(laser, HIGH); //default laser off
  digitalWrite(headLights, HIGH); //default headlights on
  digitalWrite(leftLights, LOW); //default leftlights off
  digitalWrite(rightLights, LOW); //default rightlights off
  //default values for servos

void loop() {
  while(Serial.available() > 0) { //look for Serial data
    int incoming = Serial.read(); //read and store the value
    instruction[i] = incoming; //store the instruction in the array
    //loop around the instruction array (expecting 10 characters)
    for (j=0; j<10; j++)
      //check that message is of form <XXXXXXXX>
      if ((instruction[j] == '<') &&  (instruction[j+9] == '>'))
        //check that message is for robot 1 <1....>
        if (instruction[j+1] == '1')
          //concatenate the two strings for x coordinates together
          stringXCoord += instruction[j+3];
          stringXCoord += instruction[j+4];
          //make the string an integer
          intXCoord = stringXCoord.toInt();
          servoX.write(intXCoord); //write to the servo
          //concatenate the two strings for y coordinates together
          stringYCoord += instruction[j+5];
          stringYCoord += instruction[j+6];
          //make the string an integer
          intYCoord = stringYCoord.toInt(); 
          servoY.write(intYCoord); //write to the servo
          //turn laser on
          if (instruction[j+2] == 'F')
            digitalWrite(laser, LOW);
          //turn laser off
          if (instruction[j+2] == 'f')
            digitalWrite(laser, HIGH);
          //control motors on robot - left motor forward
          if (instruction[j+7] == 'F')
            digitalWrite(leftMotor1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(leftMotor2, HIGH);
          //control motors on robot - left motor stop
          if (instruction[j+7] == 'S')
            digitalWrite(leftMotor1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(leftMotor2, LOW);
          //control motors on robot - left motor backward
          if (instruction[j+7] == 'B')
            digitalWrite(leftMotor1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(leftMotor2, LOW);
          //control motors on robot - right motor forward
          if (instruction[j+8] == 'F')
            digitalWrite(rightMotor1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(rightMotor2, LOW);
          //control motors on robot - right motor stop
          if (instruction[j+8] == 'S')
            digitalWrite(rightMotor1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(rightMotor2, LOW);
          //control motors on robot - right motor backward
          if (instruction[j+8] == 'B')
            digitalWrite(rightMotor1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(rightMotor2, HIGH);
        //else check is message is for robot 2 <2...>
        else if (instruction[j+1] == '2')
          //reset resend message to blank
          resendMessage = "";
          int k = 0;
          //loop around the instruction message
          for (k = j; k<(j+10); k++)
            //concatenate all characters of message
            resendMessage += instruction[k];
          Serial.print(0); //flush the serial port
          Serial.print(resendMessage); //send the message onto Robot 2
        //reset variable for instruction array
        i = -1;      
    //if an ldr has been hit
    if (hit == true)
               unsigned long flashMillis = millis();
              //if delay between flashes has passed
              if ((flashMillis - lastFlashTime) > flashInterval)
                lastFlashTime = flashMillis;
                if ((timesFlashed == 0) || (timesFlashed == 2) || (timesFlashed == 4) ||
                (timesFlashed == 6) || (timesFlashed == 8) || (timesFlashed == 10)
                 || (timesFlashed == 12) || (timesFlashed == 14) || (timesFlashed == 16)
                  || (timesFlashed == 18)) 
                    digitalWrite(leftLights, LOW);
                    digitalWrite(rightLights, HIGH); 
                else if ((timesFlashed == 1) || (timesFlashed == 3) || (timesFlashed == 5) ||
                (timesFlashed == 7) || (timesFlashed == 9) || (timesFlashed == 11)
                 || (timesFlashed == 13) || (timesFlashed == 15) || (timesFlashed == 17)
                  || (timesFlashed == 19)) 
                    digitalWrite(leftLights, HIGH);
                    digitalWrite(rightLights, LOW); 
                //turn lights back off
                else if ((timesFlashed == 20))
                  digitalWrite(leftLights, LOW);
                  digitalWrite(rightLights, LOW);
                  hit = false;
                  timesFlashed = -1;
    //increment counter for instruction array
    //reset variables used
    stringXCoord = "";
    stringYCoord = "";
    intXCoord = 0;
    intYCoord = 0;
        //if an ldr has been hit
        if (hit == true)
               unsigned long flashMillis = millis();
              //if delay between flashed has passed
              if ((flashMillis - lastFlashTime) > flashInterval)
                lastFlashTime = flashMillis;
                if ((timesFlashed == 0) || (timesFlashed == 2) || (timesFlashed == 4) ||
                (timesFlashed == 6) || (timesFlashed == 8) || (timesFlashed == 10)
                 || (timesFlashed == 12) || (timesFlashed == 14) || (timesFlashed == 16)
                  || (timesFlashed == 18)) 
                    digitalWrite(leftLights, LOW);
                    digitalWrite(rightLights, HIGH); 
                else if ((timesFlashed == 1) || (timesFlashed == 3) || (timesFlashed == 5) ||
                (timesFlashed == 7) || (timesFlashed == 9) || (timesFlashed == 11)
                 || (timesFlashed == 13) || (timesFlashed == 15) || (timesFlashed == 17)
                  || (timesFlashed == 19)) 
                    digitalWrite(leftLights, HIGH);
                    digitalWrite(rightLights, LOW); 
                //turn lights back off
                else if ((timesFlashed == 20))
                  digitalWrite(leftLights, LOW);
                  digitalWrite(rightLights, LOW);
                  hit = false;
                  timesFlashed = -1;

//interrupt service routine for when the left/right LDR is hit
  unsigned long hitMillis = millis();
  //if (delayBetweenHits > 5)
  if ((hitMillis - lastBlinkTime) > interval)
    lastBlinkTime = hitMillis;
    Serial.print(0);//flush the serial port
    //print message to GM to increment Robot 2's score
  //variable to flash lights
  hit = true;

//interrupt service routine for when the back LDR is hit
   unsigned long hitMillis = millis();
  //if (delayBetweenHits > 5)
  if ((hitMillis - lastBlinkTime) > interval)
    lastBlinkTime = hitMillis;

    Serial.print(0);//flush the serial port
    //print message to GM to increment Robot 2's score
  //variable to flash lights
  hit = true;

Final Arduino Code for Robot 2

#include <Servo.h>
#include "avr/interrupt.h"

char instruction [10]; //instruction sent to arduino
int i = 0; //index for instruction array
int j = 0; //index for for loop

String stringXCoord = "";
int intXCoord; //x coordinate for servo
String stringYCoord = "";
int intYCoord; //y coordinate for servo

Servo servoX; //servo x
Servo servoY; //servo y

//message to send on to games master
String resendMessage = "";

//string to print to contact games master - in the following form:
//[ (start of message) G (games master) 1 (robot 1's score) 10 (how much to increment score) ] (end message)
String GMscoreLR = "[G105]";
String GMscoreB = "[G110]";

int laser = 13; //pin for laser
int ldrLR = 2; //pin for LDR interrupt 1
int ldrB = 3; //pin for LDR interrupt 2
int headLights = 4; //pin for front lights
int leftLights = 8; //pin for left lights
int rightLights = 7; //pin for right lights

//pin numbers for the motor on the robot
int leftMotor1 = 12;
int leftMotor2 = 11;
int rightMotor1 = 10;
int rightMotor2 = 9;

//variables for delay for hit interrupt
int interval = 5000;
long lastBlinkTime = 0;

//variables for delay for flashing lights
int flashInterval = 100;
long lastFlashTime = 0;
int timesFlashed = 0;
//variable for flashing lights
boolean hit = false;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);//init Serial library (make sure Processing is sending data at the same baud rate)
  //set pins as either an input or an output
  pinMode(ldrLR, INPUT);
  pinMode(ldrB, INPUT);
  pinMode(laser, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(headLights, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(leftLights, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightLights, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(leftMotor1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(leftMotor2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightMotor1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightMotor2, OUTPUT);
  sei(); //Enable global interrupts
  EIMSK |= (1 << INT0); //Enable external interrupt INT0
  EIMSK |= (1 << INT1); //Enable external interrupt INT1
  EICRA |= (1 << ISC01); //Trigger INT0 on falling edge 
  digitalWrite(laser, HIGH); //default laser off
  digitalWrite(headLights, HIGH); //default headlights on
  digitalWrite(leftLights, LOW); //default leftlights off
  digitalWrite(rightLights, LOW); //default rightlights off
  //default values for servos

void loop() {
  while(Serial.available() > 0) { //look for Serial data
    int incoming = Serial.read(); //read and store the value
    instruction[i] = incoming; //store the instruction in the array
    //loop around the instruction array (expecting 10 characters)
    for (j=0; j<10; j++)
      //check that message is of form <XXXXXXXX>
      if ((instruction[j] == '<') &&  (instruction[j+9] == '>'))
        //check the message is for  robot 2 <2...>
        if (instruction[j+1] == '2')
          //concatenate the two strings for x coordinates together
          stringXCoord += instruction[j+3];
          stringXCoord += instruction[j+4];
          //make the string an integer
          intXCoord = stringXCoord.toInt();
          servoX.write(intXCoord); //write to the servo
          //concatenate the two strings for y coordinates together
          stringYCoord += instruction[j+5];
          stringYCoord += instruction[j+6];
          //make the string an integer
          intYCoord = stringYCoord.toInt(); 
          servoY.write(intYCoord); //write to the servo
          //turn laser on
          if (instruction[j+2] == 'F')
            digitalWrite(laser, LOW);
          //turn laser off
          if (instruction[j+2] == 'f')
            digitalWrite(laser, HIGH);
          //control motors on robot - left motor forward
          if (instruction[j+7] == 'F')
            digitalWrite(leftMotor1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(leftMotor2, HIGH);
          //control motors on robot - left motor stop
          if (instruction[j+7] == 'S')
            digitalWrite(leftMotor1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(leftMotor2, LOW);
          //control motors on robot - left motor backward
          if (instruction[j+7] == 'B')
            digitalWrite(leftMotor1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(leftMotor2, LOW);
          //control motors on robot - right motor forward
          if (instruction[j+8] == 'F')
            digitalWrite(rightMotor1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(rightMotor2, LOW);
          //control motors on robot - right motor stop
          if (instruction[j+8] == 'S')
            digitalWrite(rightMotor1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(rightMotor2, LOW);
          //control motors on robot - right motor backward
          if (instruction[j+8] == 'B')
            digitalWrite(rightMotor1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(rightMotor2, HIGH);
        //reset variable for instruction array
        i = -1;
    for (j = 0; j<6; j++)
            //if message is score packet for the Games Master
      if ((instruction[j] == '[') &&  (instruction[j+5] == ']'))
        //reset resend message to blank
          resendMessage = "";
          int k = 0;
          //loop around the instruction message
          for (k = j; k<(j+6); k++)
            //concatenate all characters of message
            resendMessage += instruction[k];
          Serial.print(0); //flush the serial port
          Serial.println(resendMessage); //send the message onto games master
        //if an ldr has been hit
    if (hit == true)
               unsigned long flashMillis = millis();
              //if delay between flashes has passed
              if ((flashMillis - lastFlashTime) > flashInterval)
                lastFlashTime = flashMillis;
                if ((timesFlashed == 0) || (timesFlashed == 2) || (timesFlashed == 4) ||
                (timesFlashed == 6) || (timesFlashed == 8) || (timesFlashed == 10)
                 || (timesFlashed == 12) || (timesFlashed == 14) || (timesFlashed == 16)
                  || (timesFlashed == 18)) 
                    digitalWrite(leftLights, LOW);
                    digitalWrite(rightLights, HIGH); 
                else if ((timesFlashed == 1) || (timesFlashed == 3) || (timesFlashed == 5) ||
                (timesFlashed == 7) || (timesFlashed == 9) || (timesFlashed == 11)
                 || (timesFlashed == 13) || (timesFlashed == 15) || (timesFlashed == 17)
                  || (timesFlashed == 19)) 
                    digitalWrite(leftLights, HIGH);
                    digitalWrite(rightLights, LOW); 
                //turn lights back off
                else if ((timesFlashed == 20))
                  digitalWrite(leftLights, LOW);
                  digitalWrite(rightLights, LOW);
                  hit = false;
                  timesFlashed = -1;

    //increment counter for instruction array
    //reset variables used
    stringXCoord = "";
    stringYCoord = "";
    intXCoord = 0;
    intYCoord = 0;
      //if an ldr has been hit
    if (hit == true)
               unsigned long flashMillis = millis();
              //if delay between flashes has passed
              if ((flashMillis - lastFlashTime) > flashInterval)
                lastFlashTime = flashMillis;
                if ((timesFlashed == 0) || (timesFlashed == 2) || (timesFlashed == 4) ||
                (timesFlashed == 6) || (timesFlashed == 8) || (timesFlashed == 10)
                 || (timesFlashed == 12) || (timesFlashed == 14) || (timesFlashed == 16)
                  || (timesFlashed == 18)) 
                    digitalWrite(leftLights, LOW);
                    digitalWrite(rightLights, HIGH); 
                else if ((timesFlashed == 1) || (timesFlashed == 3) || (timesFlashed == 5) ||
                (timesFlashed == 7) || (timesFlashed == 9) || (timesFlashed == 11)
                 || (timesFlashed == 13) || (timesFlashed == 15) || (timesFlashed == 17)
                  || (timesFlashed == 19)) 
                    digitalWrite(leftLights, HIGH);
                    digitalWrite(rightLights, LOW); 
                //turn lights back off
                else if ((timesFlashed == 20))
                  digitalWrite(leftLights, LOW);
                  digitalWrite(rightLights, LOW);
                  hit = false;
                  timesFlashed = -1;


//interrupt service routine for when the left/right LDR is hit
  unsigned long hitMillis = millis();
  //if (delayBetweenHits > 5)
  if ((hitMillis - lastBlinkTime) > interval)
    lastBlinkTime = hitMillis;
    Serial.print(0);//flush the serial port
    //print message to GM to increment Robot 1's score
  //variable to flash lights
  hit = true;

//interrupt service routine for when the back LDR is hit
   unsigned long hitMillis = millis();
  //if (delayBetweenHits > 5)
  if ((hitMillis - lastBlinkTime) > interval)
    lastBlinkTime = hitMillis;

    Serial.print(0);//flush the serial port
    //print message to GM to increment Robot 1's score
  //variable to flash lights
  hit = true;

Final Processing Code for Games Master

import gifAnimation.*; //load animation library
import oscP5.*;        //  Load OSC P5 library
import netP5.*;        //  Load net P5 library
import processing.serial.*;    //  Load serial library

Serial arduinoPort;        //  Set arduinoPort as serial connection
OscP5 oscP5;            //  Set oscP5 as OSC connection
//addresses of iPads to send messages back
NetAddress iPad1; 
NetAddress iPad2;

//background image on GUI
PImage bg;
//animation images
Gif player1Gif;
Gif player2Gif;

//variables used for sending instructions to robot 1
int xValue1 = 30; 
int yValue1 = 30;
int laserFire1 =0;
float leftDrive1 = 0.5;
float rightDrive1 = 0.5;
char robotNo = 0;

//variables used for sending instructions to robot 2
int xValue2 = 30; 
int yValue2 = 30;
int laserFire2 =0;
float leftDrive2 = 0.5;
float rightDrive2 = 0.5;

String oldMessage = ""; 
String newMessage = "";

String input = "";

//scores of robots
String score = "";
int robot1Score = 0;
int robot2Score = 0;

boolean pOneTurn = true;
boolean pTwoTurn = false;
int timeLeft = 20;

//detecting sensor hits
int sideSensorHit1;
int rearSensorHit1;
int sideSensorHit2;
int rearSensorHit2;

int robotScore = 0;

//the score needed to win the game
int scoreToWin = 50;

//delays for updating sensors on GUIS
int sensorInterval = 5000;
long lastSensorTime = 0;
long sensorMillis;
long serialDelay = 0;

//delays for player turns
long playerMillis = 0;
long lastUpdate = 0;
boolean won = false;

void setup() {
  size(960,600);        // Processing screen size, dummy GUI for prototyping
  bg = loadImage("Robot Skull.jpg"); //load background image
  frameRate(100); //frame rate for animation
  noStroke();            //  We don’t want an outline or Stroke on our graphics
  player1Gif = new Gif(this, "explosion_animation_gif.gif"); //load animation file
  player1Gif.ignoreRepeat(); //ensure animation only occurs once
  player2Gif = new Gif(this, "explosion_animation_gif.gif"); //load animation file
  player2Gif.ignoreRepeat(); //ensure animation only occurs once

    // Start oscP5, listening for incoming messages at port 8000
    oscP5 = new OscP5(this,8000);  
    //set ipad addresses
    iPad1 = new NetAddress("",9000);
    iPad2 = new NetAddress("",9000);
    // Set arduino to 9600 baud
    arduinoPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);   

//draw main GUI
void draw() {
  drawType1(width * 0.10);
  drawType2(width * 0.72);
  drawTime(width * 0.10);
  //draw animations
  image(player1Gif, 10, height/2 - player1Gif.height/2);
  image(player2Gif, 680, height/2 - player2Gif.height/2);
  //count down time left for turns
 if((millis() - playerMillis) > 1000){
   if(won != true){
     timeLeft = timeLeft - 1;

 if(timeLeft < 0){
    if(pOneTurn == true){
     pOneTurn = false;
     pTwoTurn = true;
     pOneTurn = true;
     pTwoTurn = false;
    timeLeft = 20;

 if((millis() - sensorMillis) >= sensorInterval){
   sideSensorHit1 = 0;
   sideSensorHit2 = 0;
   rearSensorHit1 = 0;
   rearSensorHit2 = 0;
 playerMillis  = millis();
  //if player one has won
  if(robot1Score >= scoreToWin) {
  // update gui
  won = true;
  //draw that player one has won and flash animations
  drawTypeWins1(width * 0.35);
//if player two has won
else if(robot2Score >= scoreToWin) {
 //update gui  
  won = true;
  //draw that player two has won and flash animations
  drawTypeWins2(width * 0.35);
//update the gui on the ipads

//draw the time 
void drawTime(float x)
  textFont(createFont("Hall Fetica", 16));
  text("Time: " + hour() + ":" + minute() + ":" + second() + " ", x, 20);

//draw laserbot 1 and its score  
void drawType1(float x) {
  textFont(createFont("Hall Fetica", 40));
  line(x, 0, x, 65);
  text("LaserBot 1", x, 95);
  textFont(createFont("Hall Fetica", 28));
  text("Score: " + robot1Score, x, 130);

//draw laserbot 2 and its score
void drawType2(float x) {
  textFont(createFont("Hall Fetica", 40));
  line(x, 0, x, 0);
  text("LaserBot 2", x, 95);
  textFont(createFont("Hall Fetica", 28));
  text("Score: " + robot2Score, x, 130);

//draw that player 1 has won
void drawTypeWins1(float x) {
 textFont(createFont("Hall Fetica", 40));
 line(x, 0, x, 0);
 text("Player One Wins", x, 570); 

//draw that player 2 has won
void drawTypeWins2(float x) {
 textFont(createFont("Hall Fetica", 40));
 line(x, 0, x, 0);
 text("Player Two Wins", x, 570); 

//This runs whenever there is a new OSC message from an ipad
void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) {   
//  Creates a string out of the OSC message  
    String addr = theOscMessage.addrPattern();  

        robotNo = addr.charAt(1);
        //check which robot is wanting to send a message
        if(robotNo == '1'){
          OscMessage oneMessage = theOscMessage;
           OscMessage twoMessage = theOscMessage;

//method to send messages to robot one
void parseAndSendOne(OscMessage theOscMessage){
  //  Creates a string out of the OSC message  
    String addr = theOscMessage.addrPattern();  
     String restOfString = addr.substring(3);
          laserFire1 = int(theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue());
       if(restOfString.equals("up")){   // Filters out 
       if(yValue1 != 50){ // Upper limit
            yValue1  =  yValue1 + int(theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue())*1; //5 degrees per button
       if(restOfString.equals("down")){   // Filters out 
       if(yValue1 != 10){ // Lower limit
            yValue1  =  yValue1 - int(theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue())*1; //5 degrees per button
       if(restOfString.equals("right")){   // Filters out 
       if(xValue1 != 50){ // Upper limit
            xValue1  =  xValue1 + int(theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue())*1; //5 degrees per button
       if(restOfString.equals("left")){   // Filters out 
       if(xValue1 != 10){ // Lower limit
            xValue1  =  xValue1 - int(theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue())*1; //5 degrees per button
       if(restOfString.equals("leftDrive")){   // Filters out
          leftDrive1  = theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue();
       if(restOfString.equals("rightDrive")){   // Filters out
          rightDrive1  = theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue();
        if(laserFire1 == 0){        //  If led button 1 if off do....
          newMessage = "<1f"+xValue1+yValue1;
          newMessage = "<1F"+xValue1+yValue1;
       if(leftDrive1 > 0.75){
        newMessage = newMessage + "F"; 
      else if(leftDrive1 < 0.25){
        newMessage = newMessage + "B"; 
      else if(leftDrive1 <= 0.75 && leftDrive1 >= 0.25 ){
        newMessage = newMessage + "S"; 
      if(rightDrive1 > 0.75){
        newMessage = newMessage + "F>"; 
      else if(rightDrive1 < 0.25){
        newMessage = newMessage + "B>"; 
      else if(rightDrive1 <= 0.75 && rightDrive1 >= 0.25 ){
        newMessage = newMessage + "S>"; 
      if(won == false){
      if(pOneTurn == true){
        if(!oldMessage.equals(newMessage)){ // Check if message has changed.
          arduinoPort.write(newMessage);  // send message
          println(newMessage);   // print to console
          oldMessage = newMessage;

//method to send messages to robot two
void parseAndSendTwo(OscMessage theOscMessage){
  //  Creates a string out of the OSC message  
    String addr = theOscMessage.addrPattern();  
     String restOfString = addr.substring(3);
          laserFire2 = int(theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue());
       if(restOfString.equals("up")){   // Filters out 
       if(yValue2 != 50){ // Upper limit
            yValue2  =  yValue2 + int(theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue())*1; //5 degrees per button
       if(restOfString.equals("down")){   // Filters out 
       if(yValue2 != 10){ // Lower limit
            yValue2  =  yValue2 - int(theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue())*1; //5 degrees per button
       if(restOfString.equals("right")){   // Filters out 
       if(xValue2 != 50){ // Upper limit
            xValue2  =  xValue2 + int(theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue())*1; //5 degrees per button
       if(restOfString.equals("left")){   // Filters out 
       if(xValue2 != 10){ // Lower limit
            xValue2  =  xValue2 - int(theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue())*1; //5 degrees per button
       if(restOfString.equals("leftDrive")){   // Filters out
          leftDrive2  = theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue();
       if(restOfString.equals("rightDrive")){   // Filters out
          rightDrive2  = theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue();
        if(laserFire2 == 0){        //  If led button 1 if off do....
          newMessage = "<2f"+xValue2+yValue2;
          newMessage = "<2F"+xValue2+yValue2;
       if(leftDrive2 > 0.75){
        newMessage = newMessage + "F"; 
      else if(leftDrive2 < 0.25){
        newMessage = newMessage + "B"; 
      else if(leftDrive2 < 0.75 && leftDrive2 > 0.25 ){
        newMessage = newMessage + "S"; 
      if(rightDrive2 > 0.75){
        newMessage = newMessage + "F>"; 
      else if(rightDrive2 < 0.25){
        newMessage = newMessage + "B>"; 
      else if(rightDrive2 < 0.75 && rightDrive2 > 0.25 ){
        newMessage = newMessage + "S>"; 
      if(won == false){
      if(pTwoTurn == true){
        if(!oldMessage.equals(newMessage)){ // Check if message has changed.
          arduinoPort.write(newMessage);  // send message
          println(newMessage);   // print to console
          oldMessage = newMessage;

//method to update the gui on the ipads
void updateIpads(){
  OscBundle updateBundle = new OscBundle();
  //First iPad GUI update
  OscMessage message = new OscMessage("/1/playerScore");
  message = new OscMessage("/1/opponentScore");
  message = new OscMessage("/1/ScoreToWin");
  message = new OscMessage("/1/TimeRemaining");
  message = new OscMessage("/1/sideSensorLED");
  message = new OscMessage("/1/rearSensorLED");
  message = new OscMessage("/1/playerLED");
  message = new OscMessage("/1/opponentLED");
  //sending update
  oscP5.send(updateBundle, iPad1);
 //iPad 2 update... same again
  updateBundle = new OscBundle();
  //First iPad GUI update
  message = new OscMessage("/2/playerScore");
  message = new OscMessage("/2/opponentScore");
  message = new OscMessage("/2/ScoreToWin");
  message = new OscMessage("/2/TimeRemaining");
  message = new OscMessage("/2/sideSensorLED");
  message = new OscMessage("/2/rearSensorLED");
  message = new OscMessage("/2/playerLED");
  message = new OscMessage("/2/opponentLED");
  //sending update
  oscP5.send(updateBundle, iPad2);

//method to parse any messages received from an arduino
void serialEvent(Serial arduinoPort) 
//overrides  serial event, so that Arduino can echo received messages
// (serial monitor in Arduino IDE not available as processing is using serial port)
  input = arduinoPort.readStringUntil('\n');
  if (input != null){
    //should be [
    char bracketStart = input.charAt(1);
    //should be G
    char gamesMaster = input.charAt(2);
    //should be either 1 or 2
    char robotID = input.charAt(3);
    if (bracketStart == '[')
      if (gamesMaster == 'G')
        char score1 = input.charAt(4);
        char score2 = input.charAt(5);
        score = "";
        //concatenate the 2 numbers together for the score
        score += score1;
        score += score2;
        //convert to an int
        robotScore = Integer.parseInt(score);
        //delay for sensor hit lights  
        sensorMillis = millis();
        //delay for events
        if (won == false){
        if((millis() - serialDelay) > 5000){
        //increment the correct robots score
        if (robotID == '1')
          robot1Score = robot1Score + robotScore;
          //if score is 5, side sensor has been hit
          if (robotScore == 5)
            sideSensorHit2 = 1;
           //if score is 10, rear sensor has been hit
          else if (robotScore == 10)
            rearSensorHit2 = 1;
          //play animation of explosion
        else if (robotID == '2')
          robot2Score = robot2Score + robotScore;
                    //if score is 5, side sensor has been hit
          if (robotScore == 5)
            sideSensorHit1 = 1;
           //if score is 10, rear sensor has been hit
          else if (robotScore == 10)
            rearSensorHit1 = 1;
          //play animation of explosion
    input = "";
    serialDelay = millis();

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